We do!

The challenges we are currently working on are:
  1. Perform 20 anonymous acts of kindness. COMPLETED!
  2. Write and publish a YA novel.
  3. Complete a life-sized paper mache of…some (in)famous painting.
  4. Plan a bike trip across at least 2 state lines, over at least one river, through at least one forest and end up at the home of a grandmother. Will be postponed indefinitely until Dorian doesn’t work on Saturdays.
  5. Stage an old west gunfight in appropriate garb in an urban park.  COMPLETED!
  6. Learn, as well as possible within one week, one thing that the other is good at but you know nothing about.
  7. …<<intentionally blank for spontaneous challenge acceptance>>…

Click on the above links to see how we’re progressing with each. We will push through three or four of these by the end of October (date approximate). At that time, we will accept more challenges–email us some (challengezor@gmail.com) if you would like to submit some.

You can read about the challenges we have already completed here.

3 responses to “We do!

  1. Pingback: A Semi Start to Acts of Kindness | Difficult Things

  2. Pingback: Walking from DC to Baltimore (preparation) | Difficult Things

  3. Pingback: Life-Sized Paper Mache Replica of Famous Painting–Coming Soon | Difficult Things

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