“Other” Challenges

Other (Random/Weird/Spiritual/Discipline) (“Raise a frog from ‘pole to death [natural]”)– Up to you. Anything that doesn’t seem to fit in the other categories—and some things that they could also fit in those categories…but you don’t want to put them there. These can be more jokey, but seriously weird works as well.

  • Be silent for 24 hours (must leave the house for at least 2 hours).  -FALUP
  • Ride a camel.  -UNGOR
  • Win a radio contest.  -NOOD
  •  Adopt a rescue cat and teach it to open doors (can be done).  –G2W2
  • Read 50 Disney books in two hours.  – BARAG
  • Register to vote without getting called for jury duty. -SCARG0
  • Hide Easter eggs along at least 90 miles of the Appalachian Trail filled with different trinkets, no candy!…the bears will come.  – BARAG
  • Dance or sing in a public place every day for a year.  -**ABC
  • Train a monkey to be a pick pocket. -008.5
  • Take at least 20 different modes of transportation in 24 hours (i.e. elephant, bike, helicopter, etc.)  -BARAG
  • Eat oatmeal from a can or bucket while it’s wrapped around your face while giving piggy back rides.  – BARAG
  • Three time capsules. One to be opened 1 year from now, 5yrs, 10yrs. In each capsule should be 1) something tangible that you’d like to remember then (it could be something from today or a predictor item), 2) a prediction of where you see yourself at that time (not a full piture, just one thing and it can be about you, both of you, or something you predict will be tangentially related to you), 3) something random, 4) something you expect to change (not limited to only you, it can be written).  -XVII
  • Take no modes of transportation, except for walking, for 40 days and 40 nights.  – BARAG
  • Pick a restaurant and try every meal on the menu.  -NOOD
  • Get on a game show.  –NOOD
  • Eat roasted spiders/insects/worms.  –LAANK
  • Become a mythical creature like a vampire/unicorn/werewolf/troll/witch/leprechaun/three-headed dog or a combination of any. –LAANK
  • Eat caramel chocolate the entire time while doing “Patty Cake” and making chocolate milk.  – BARAG
  • Break 5 Guiness World Records.  -UNGOR
  • Commit a felony on all 7 continents.  -008.5
  • Live as a fruitarian for 30 days.  -008.5
  • Go the pet shop and pet at least one cat and hamster and then name all the animals without buying any.  – BARAG
  • Teach a parrot a hundred word vocabulary in a year.  –G2W2
  • Participate in a “Flash Mob” send us all the video after (this can only be used at the youtube 100K hits video if you organized/choreographed the flashmob).  –YUNTR
  • Write a comedy video using a cat as a detective.     –G2W2
  • Create a facebook app that encourages folks to spend less time on facebook.  (Or something else with a similar sort of irony.)  -444?
  • Eat 15 chicken feet before your competitor does.  – BARAG
  • Watch out for ants when you walk, and shoo spiders out of your shower instead of letting them wash down the drain.  -444?
  • Apply to be on the next “survivor” season.  -GERNE
  • Eat some kind of living insect.  -98%898
  • Become a scientologist for a month mole-style then convert a stranger then reveal the ruse.  -**ABC
  • Eat the rainbow (eat a food from ROYGBIV) one day a month.  Or divide it up so that on Sundays, you eat loads of red, Mondays you eat orange, etc.  -444?
  • Stage an old west gunfight in appropriate garb in an urban park.  -**ABC
  • Perform toxic immobility on a shark.  -008.5
  • Celebrate New Year’s in two different countries in two different time zones but for the same year.  -UNGOR
  • Build a tree fort comfortable enough to spend the night in.  -LAANK
  • Carry a pet rock with you everywhere for a year and document its life.  If you lose it, you have to start all over.  -LAANK
  • If you have a gadget idea, build a prototype and register a patent on it.  –ANK1
  • Make a hybrid plant.  – BARAG
  • Shave your head.  -LAANK
  • Build a Thing-a-ma-jig. A contraption whose function is to amuse, delight and fascinate. ( For example: the ball rolls down a tube, hits a something which moves a something else, etc.) –ANK1
  • Write old fashioned letters whenever you have a chance.  Use a typewriter if available, and don’t forget to keep track of what you write to each recipient so you’ll know what he or she is responding to months later.  -444?
  • Dive with sharks (cages OK).  -LAANK
  • Stage an old west gunfight in appropriate garb in an urban park.  -**ABC
  • Plant a garden and eat something from it every day for a month.  -YUNTR
  • Meditate 20 minutes every day.  –ANK1
  • Nudity/blimp challenge. Every time/anytime you see a blimp over the course of a year, you have to strip. Doesn’t matter where you are/what you’re doing, or how many times you see a blimp.  -SLYLS
  • Create A Publishable Original Poem With Side Artwork Consisting Of Words Or Phrases From Books Found At The Baltimore Book Thing: To complete this task, you’ll have to travel to the Book Thing where you will collect free books from which you will cut out phrases and words to compose an original poem. You will then have to get this poem published in a local Baltimore poetry collection. You cannot cut out individual letters, though you may cut out parts of words that stand on their own (e.g. cut the plural “s” off a word).  -888ER
  • Find a songbird and take a picture of it.  – BARAG
  • Learn to like a food you hate.  –YUNTR
  • Move a pencil with your mind off the edge of a table or chair.  – BARAG

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