o’ the Week

This “week’s” challenge is: (for a general explanation of “challenge o’ the week”, scroll down…)


Please, send us your drawings/illustrations/paintings/collages of zors! We will post them all on this very website, in a glorious -Zor! gallery.

Seriously. Open your Microsoft Paint, or your fancy Adobe Illustrator program, or your iPad drawing application, and do one now. It will only take five minutes. 

–If you don’t know how to draw on a computer, then pick up the closest pen and paper. And scan it. Or even MAIL it to us, we’ll scan it for you. We really want some -Zors!

What IS a –Zor!?  A –Zor! is a living thing, which comes into being when you add the suffix “-Zor!” onto an ordinary English word.  Thus there are chairs . . . and then there is . . . CHAIRZOR! (see sidebar for example of a Challengezor!.)

Yes, the living thing which comes into being when you add this suffix is both one-of-a-kind, and monstrous.  And yes—and maybe most importantly—it embodies purely and amazingly (and whimsically) the extreme inner essence of said word (in the above case, “chair”).

And yes, the diversity of –Zors! is one of the most apt things to describe as “infinite”.  There are just so many –Zors!, and they are simply (often) completely different.

But enough with our pitiful human attempts to understand!  What is there to understand?  The –Zors! can often be felt to create themselves . . . .

Draw your -Zors!! Click here to send in your –Zors!  (Yield to the impossibility of NOT sending in your –Zors!)  

…Now…any English word can be used. But if you really, truly cannot think of a word, here are some words that we think would make awesome -Zors!.

  1. cat
  2. lotus flower
  3. enormous crane
  4. shenanigans
  5. Dirk (future NBA champion?)
  6. pickles
  7. cuteness
  8. focus
  9. bluegrass
  10. Nascar
  11. fine line
  12. killer-instinct
  13. ambiguity
  14. underdog
  15. hiccup
  16. productivity
  17. nostalgia
  18. pipsqueak
  19. Canada
  20. spider web
  21. NYC subway
  22. camel’s-back-breaking straw
  23. facebook
  24. prophesy
  25. justice
  26. the color purple (or The Color Purple)
  27. sperm whale
  28. ghost
  29. fetishized historical person-type   (as in: ninja, pirate, samurai, cowboy, etc.)
  30. whiskey
  31. circus
  32. poodle
  33. pulley
  34. Chevrolet
  35. tragic-comedy


Basically, it’s challenge that you can do right now, immediately, without any planning, really, and with a fairly small time commitment. Of course, you could spend a lot of time both planning and doing it, but you don’t have to. The point is–you can do something pretty cool, pretty difficult, pretty fun, pretty immediately.

Also–while it says “o’the week”, what that really means is, “o’ the however long until we feel like changing it”…the former is just slightly catchier.

One response to “o’ the Week

  1. Pingback: New Challenges Accepted . . . | Difficult Things

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