ALL Challenges

Below, you will find . . . LISTS! Of all the challenges we have received, from which we cull the challenges we will do.

For now, we have organized the challenges by the categories by which they were submitted. This organization structure may change later.

Each challenge submitter has been assigned a secret, anonymizing code name (though it will be less anonymizing if they choose to reveal themselves), so readers of the challenges can look for patterns and personalities.

Enjoy reading these lists of difficult, less difficult, and more difficult challenges. If you would like to officially accept one of these challenges (and blog about it on this very site) click here.

  1. Interpersonal Challenges
  2. Artistic Challenges
  3. Physical Challenges
  4. Learning Challenges
  5. Experiential Challenges
  6. Do-Goodery Challenges
  7. “Other” Challenges

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