Category Archives: scavengerhunt

The Hunt Begins

Agent H and her pineapple

The Haberdasher Princess and HER pineapple

Exciting news:  The Beautiful Identical Twins have begun the scavenger hunt. As you read this, they are racing around the marvel-filled city of Baltimore, hunting for seven riddle-containing canisters, solving those riddles, and carrying a pineapple the whole time! Don’t you wish that’s what YOU were doing?

The hunt began with photographic proof of Pinapple Obtainment (see pictures). Upon reciept of these photos, we sent each competitor the location of their first riddle-containing canister. In that location, they must do a specific activity, take a picture with their pineapple, and solve the riddle in the canister. When they send us the answer to the riddle, we send them the next location. But a catch! If they send us the incorrect answer, we send them to an incorrect location. Which is not a totally terrible thing, as they just get to see another part of Baltimore.

As the final activity, the team will have to eat their pineapple (after they have found and solved all seven riddles, and taken seven pineapple pictures). This means they have to solve the riddles quickly and take good care of the pineapple along the way (unless they like overripe, bruised pineapple).

The competitors are the identical twins Hasna and Husna–known respectively as Agent H and Haberdasher Princess–and their partners Tiffany and Tom. You can watch the pre-competition interviews hereAgent H is the favored competitor–she earned 66%  of the vote for Most Likely to Win. But the game has just started, and remember!– it’s on genetically identical playing fields. The Golden Pineapple Trophy could, as of yet, belong to either of them.

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Filed under scavengerhunt

Beautiful Identical Twins to Compete in City-Wide Scavenger Hunt

Can it be more dramatic? 

What is more dramatic—a drum roll, or a two-toned timpani going “bam bom bam bom”?

I think the timpani.  But regardless, neither can compete with the title:


Really, what more is there to say?

Two beautiful (identical) twins will be competing in a city-wide scavenger hunt (with a theme of pineapples) in this glorious city of Baltimore.  We will have all the action this upcoming week.

The question facing you, dearest readers, is: which twin to root for?  Will it be Hasna?  Or will it be Husna?  (Seriously, we only made up the scavenger hunt . . .)

Each has agreed to be interviewed, in a dramatic lead-up to the race. Watch their interviews below, and then vote for who you think will win.

Here is Hasna.

Here is Husna.

Now vote.

And just in case you don’t believe that they are actually two separate people (and also because they wanted another video of themselves posted), here they are together:

The Hunt begins next Saturday morning, May 7th, at 9:00 AM, EST.

(ALSO: though this might have been obscured in all the drama . . . this is us actually completing a challenge.  We were challenged to “create a city-wide scavenger hunt”.  And we did.)

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