Category Archives: bikeride

Amanda Works Her Butt

Yes, Amanda’s greatest (muscular) weakness is . . . her butt.  And it is that very part of your body that is key in very long bike rides.  Our particular very long bike ride that we have been challenged to do (we are supposed to ride over a river and through some woods to a grandmother’s house…which will be about 130 miles) isn’t coming up tomorrow, or even next month—it will have to be later, when it is warmer.

Yet still, Amanda has her eyes on it.  Just the other day she could be spotted doing something she never does: pedaling away at the stationary bike in the gym.  And, though she was very sore the next day, she knows that it is the necessary step towards biking through three states, a woods, over a river, and all the way to her grandmother’s house in New York.  Which hopefully will happen this spring.

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