Category Archives: OrigamiDragon

Ease-ifying the Dragon-Making

So, making an origami dragon is really, really, really pretty hard.  I mean, for those of us without that special spiritual bond to very thin paper.

So, we decided, after making an origami dragon, to show how you too can make it.  With a step-by-step video.


Seriously, making an origami dragon like the above should be possible with a reasonable amount of patience, these videos, a square piece of paper, and two hands.  Also, a flat surface.  And eyes.  But you know what I’m saying.

Here’s the link again–All you need to fold your very own paper dragon.

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Filed under OrigamiDragon

Dragon with Polka Dots, Samurai Reference, and “This Butter’s Not for Hurting . . . A (Miniature) Ghost Story”

Hey.  We made an origami dragon.  Also, it’s cute and has polka dots.


Also, it’s terrifically difficult to make.  I don’t know if you can tell by looking at the picture, but it is just one small cultural step from making the above . . . and becoming a member of a warrior caste capable of glorification in many feature films and/or choosing to kill oneself rather than be defeated.

Yes, it’s just one small step away.

In other news, the play “This Butter’s Not for Hurting . . . A (Miniature) Ghost Story” will be premiering tomorrow night (gasp)  in an outdoor venue  (park) tomorrow night.

The play is written by . . . us, and is staring . . . us, plus a (miniature) ghost of a famous inventor.

Which means there’s special effects.  Also, the play is ten minutes long and is entirely in iambic pentameter (more or less).

We will have a video of the performance, as well as a complete script (for all those who want to perform their own renditions) this Saturday.

–also, needless to say, creating and performing a ten-minute, two-person play in iambic pentameter was one of the seven challenges we initially accepted.

Until, Saturday . . .

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Filed under IambicPlay, OrigamiDragon

Origami Dragon Competition Begun

With our hip flexors and calf muscles are almost back to normal after walking from DC to Baltimore, we’re on to completing some more challenges. We were challenged to “Fold an Origami Dragon before your competitors do.” Last night, we initiated our Origami Dragon Folding Competition. Our competitors are Rola and Fadi—the people who have oh so kindly rented us a home in DC for these last days in May.

At the beginning of the competition, we were all feeling pretty confident. Amanda had practiced some mountain and valley folds earlier in the afternoon, and Fadi claimed to be a master of the origami crane (see video below).

Rola rolled a die to choose which of the five dragon patterns we would use—and then it was just the sound of giant sheets of paper rustling against the floor.

However, by the end of two hours the challenge was no longer to be the first to complete the dragon. We were four of us working together in hopes of completing the dragon at all ALL. Or even something that looked remotely dragonesq (like an alligator…or even a flamingo). Here is what our creature looks like so far:

Surely it's obvious...but just in case not, the bulbous thing on the left is the head. The two triangular things are wings.

Think it can’t be that hard? You say you’ve made cranes? You’ve made 1,000 cranes? THAT WILL NOT HELP YOU HERE.

Some facts–

  • Instructions for a crane fit on half a sheet of paper. Instructions for a dragon take EIGHT.
  • Instructions for a crane: “Fold top of model downward and crease.” Instructions for a dragon: “Release the hidden flap, like undoing an open sink.”

If you’re still thinking it can’t be that bad, here are the instructions we used. And if you figure out how to get to step “33-bis”…please, please, help us.

Challenge is ongoing. Watch out, paper, we will master you.

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