A Private Tour of Dorian’s Doggy Dog Workshop

Apparently, when Dorian can see the finish line, he sprints.

After our last goop party, Dorian not-less-than-triumphantly declared, “There is an end; I can see it!” After which he has been on a paper mache-ing rampage. I came home from work last week to find one of our rooms (we only have three…) converted to a “Dog Workshop.”

Dorian has, in the last week, used up two (yes, 2!) GALLONS of glue, as well as many “double ply” rolls of toilet paper in the making of goop, and has almost finished covering all seven of our life-sized dogs (from the dogs playing poker painting “A Friend in Need”). Dorian has now moved onto building chairs (a quote from him this morning, “I think my least favorite part of paper mache-ing is the paper mache-ing”).

Below, go with Dorian on a tour of his workspace. All the dogs need now, before painting, are their ears and their paws…which is my job…

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Filed under Paper Mache

One response to “A Private Tour of Dorian’s Doggy Dog Workshop

  1. hasna

    Dorian’s Doggy Dog Workshop? LOL. Those dogs are so creepyyyy. LOL.

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