How important is it to be “realistic”?

. . . in our young adult novel?  We definitely want to be realistic in the psychology of our characters, but how important is it to have the setting and initial plot-starting problem be realistic?

Well, definitely somewhat important.  But, at a certain point, especially when writing for a younger audience, there is the possibility of a trade of realism/plausibility . . . for magical-ness.

And we have had to try to intuitively gauge how much realism/plausibility to trade for magical-ness, in some aspects of our story.

And, personally, I like the idea of generosity as something that governs a good piece of writing.  You want the piece of writing to seem generous.

And again, especially when writing for a younger audience, a certain amount of generosity seems to entail . . . a certain amount of magical-ness.

Which means (if I may be permitted a double negative): There’s not no magical-ness in our story.

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