Paper Mache Enslavement…errrr, we mean “Goop Parties”!!

As you may or may not know, we have been working on making a life-sized paper mache replica of Dogs Playing Poker. Unfortunately, there’s only so much dipping paper in glue you can do before you hit some sort of paper mache wall. And we’ve been bumping up against that wall for a little bit, now.

Fortunately, there are other people nearby! People who can be tricked into doing our work for us when we send them emails titled “Goop Party!” and promise it is a fun time and an exclusive invitation.

After having 2.5 such parties, we have come much closer to completing the project. Still not close, mind you, but the end is now in sight. Beyond what we did in the goop parties, we have finished all seven of the dogs’ faces (we’ll post pictures in a separate post soon). The dogs are now about 64% covered in paper mache clay, which is a blended toilet paper concoction that is much more solid than the paper strips we used for our first layer. And 64% is not nothing on life sized models (…by life-sized, we’re talking St. Bernards and Great Danes, yo! I wish the dude had painted chihuahuas…) Now that it seems actually possible to finish this project, we’re feeling much more motivated to work on it!

"goop party" = "please please help us get this done"

We would very much like the following people for being so gullible:

-M. Appel
-P. Thibodeau
-J. Golden
-M. Thibodeau
-T. Runske
-M. Runske
-T. Harper

And keep an eye/ear out. We may be soon hosting a goop party near you. If you’re on our good side and demonstrate other worthy traits (like juggling), you willl maybe, maybe get one of the exclusive invites. Maybe.

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