One Assassin or Two? Amanda Vacharat has an opinion

Yes, my introduction was complete when I asked Amanda, “Should I take one assassin, or two?” . . . and she paused, thoughtfully, and then . . . answered! with a relatively informed, relatively interested opinion.

What am I talking about? I am talking about the process through which one selects what type of soldiers will constitute your army in the Games Workshop game Warhammer (yes, I am still embarrassed to write the word).

Think of it like chess—both Warhammer and chess are designed, on some level, to simulate a battle between two armies (both also consist of miniature, model soldiers). One difference, though, is that in warhammer, unlike in chess, you can choose your army. Imagine if in chess you could choose to have four bishops, instead of two bishops and two knights? Or imagine if you can choose to swap all of your pawns, and instead have two queens?

That is how Warhammer works, on some level. When I was asking Amanda about whether or not I should take one assassin or two (think of “assassin” like “rook” or “knight”), I was asking about which models I should include in my army, as opposed to others.

Hopefully, that makes sense, without adding boring explanations. The point is: Amanda was able to converse freely and fluently about the nitty-gritty of (my favorite) Games Workshop game.

And with that, I conclude my portion of the teaching challenge. Next up: Amanda teaches me acting exercises . . . which I think just isolate the most embarrassing, uncomfortable, fear-inducing parts of acting . . . and then make you do those parts over and over. Or something like that.

Anyway, I am ready. Kind of.


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