Hello Mr. Cutie Doggie Nosies! or… Paper Mache Stage Three

Balloons, hippopotamuses, the word “hippopotamus”, freshly baked oatmeal pumpkin cookies, sledding down a hill with your eyes closed on a giant inflatable tube.

–Those are all undeniably exciting things.

However, none of those things is nearly exciting as what happened last week–which is…

We finally finished Stage 2 of our life-sized papier mache sculpture of Dogs Playing Poker!

Yes, after

1) Building wire and cardboard armatures, and
2) Covering those armatures with strips of glue soaked paper strips,

We have moved on to “3) Covering the glue soaked paper strips with glue-soaked-and-blended toilet paper goo.” We used the recipe found here (though with wood filler instead of joint compound). It allows for much more detailing…such as little noses, and paws, and toes (!)

…which is also very, very exciting.

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