Challenge accepted by Eric and Melissa: Jumping out of a moving vehicle

Inspired by the challenges on the You Do! tab of this very site, Eric and Melissa decided to accept the challenge learn how to jump out of a moving vehicle.  And they decided to learn by doing.  What follows is a brief account (written by them in the the third person) of their exploits:

When Melissa and Eric perused the outstanding list of challenges that amanda and Dorian set forth for the difficult things fanabaloo, both members of the aforementioned dynamic duo peered longingly at the task voted most likely to result in spinal injury; jump out of a moving vehicle.

Being New Yorkers and thus lacking in the sort of frolicking grounds that would make for suitable gratification, we waited patiently until a road trip found us warmly embraced by the verdant golf courses of northeast Ohio.

It was here (see below) that we attempted the death-defying feat captured here by high-resolution camera phone technology.

Our lovely dad assistant slammed his foot towards full speed as we clutched to the back of the hellfire cart. Like heartthrob teens in pursuit of leather jacket glory, we leapt recklessly to the side managing, somehow, to avoid any serious injury or grass stains.

It's blurry because of its mind-blowing speed

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