You Vote: 10 one-handed pushups…challenge complete?

Like the 20 Anonymous Acts of Kindness Challenge, we’ve been dillydallying on the Challenge to do 10 one-handed pushups. Why is that? Ostensibly because doing 10 one-handed pushups is hard. (see our first attempt here)

Well, hard-shmard. We’re ready to get this challenge checked off so we can fill its slot with something new and exciting! (not that training to do pushups isn’t the most thrilling thing ever, but…imagine, running a race dressed as Elvis! Growing a mango tree! All the other possibilities!)

So, below, we present to you a video of our attempt at 10 one-handed pushups. And we will let you, viewers, have the final decision about whether we have completed this challenge.

We ask you* to put all perfectionism aside. It is true—we could have each done ten push-ups. It is true, we probably could have gone an ittybitty bit closer to the floor. It is true, our elbows could have been tucked a smigeony-poo tighter.

But the question you need to ask yourself now is very, very simple…

Are there or aren’t there at least ten one-handed pushups in the video above?

Also! Next week, starting Monday, we will be starting our big Acts of Kindness push. Every day for two weeks we will be doing (and posting about) an act of kindness. Maybe (with your cooperation in the poll above) we’ll have these two lingering Challenges checked off by the end of this month?

*beg you

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Filed under one-handed pushup

One response to “You Vote: 10 one-handed pushups…challenge complete?

  1. buddinganthropod

    infact I think you guys did 12!

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