Larry Shares a Message . . .

As per one of our original challenges, one actually selected by readers via reader poll, we have been corresponding with a few inmates.  One of them, Larry, we told about our website, and offered him a chance to send out a message on it.  Here is what he had to say:

“Being that I am a Death Row Prisoner who has been on death row for over 23 years without ever being heard in any court in my own voice, I don’t want Amanda and Dorian challenge of writing to a prisoner to end with the responding of my first letter to them, but rather that their challenge continue to where they extend themselves to do that which is within their powers to help me have a voice in court, so I will be afforded an opportunity to be heard, where I will be able to prove that I am an innocent and framed man, and subsequently this living madness can end!”

Now, we have told Larry, and we hereby tell you, that we probably won’t do all of “that which is in our power” to give Larry a voice in court.  We will, however, help him start and write his own blog (domains for which are free) in order to help get his voice heard.  And of course, we are posting this message itself.

*We would be happy to hear any questions or comments about Larry’s situation–


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