Dragon with Polka Dots, Samurai Reference, and “This Butter’s Not for Hurting . . . A (Miniature) Ghost Story”

Hey.  We made an origami dragon.  Also, it’s cute and has polka dots.


Also, it’s terrifically difficult to make.  I don’t know if you can tell by looking at the picture, but it is just one small cultural step from making the above . . . and becoming a member of a warrior caste capable of glorification in many feature films and/or choosing to kill oneself rather than be defeated.

Yes, it’s just one small step away.

In other news, the play “This Butter’s Not for Hurting . . . A (Miniature) Ghost Story” will be premiering tomorrow night (gasp)  in an outdoor venue  (park) tomorrow night.

The play is written by . . . us, and is staring . . . us, plus a (miniature) ghost of a famous inventor.

Which means there’s special effects.  Also, the play is ten minutes long and is entirely in iambic pentameter (more or less).

We will have a video of the performance, as well as a complete script (for all those who want to perform their own renditions) this Saturday.

–also, needless to say, creating and performing a ten-minute, two-person play in iambic pentameter was one of the seven challenges we initially accepted.

Until, Saturday . . .

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Filed under IambicPlay, OrigamiDragon

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